Safety Symbol and Signal Word Review
This garage door opener has been designed and tested to offer safe service provided it is installed, operated, maintained and tested in strict accordance with the instructions and warnings contained in this manual.
When you see these Safety Symbols and Signal Words on the following pages, they will alert you to the possibility of serious injury or death if you do not comply with the warnings that accompany them. The hazard may come from something mechanical or from electric shock. Read the warnings carefully.
MechanicalElectricalWhen you see this Signal Word on the following pages, it will alert you to the possibility of damage to your garage door and/or the garage door opener if you do not comply with the cautionary statements that accompany it. Read them carefully.
Check the Door
1Disable locks and remove any ropes connected to the garage door.
2Lift the door halfway up. Release the door. If balanced, it should stay in place, supported entirely by its springs.
3Raise and lower the door to check for binding or sticking. If your door binds, sticks, or is out of balance, call a trained door systems technician.
4Check the seal on the bottom of the door. Any gap between the floor and the bottom of the door must not exceed 1/4 inch (6 mm). Otherwise, the safety reversal system may not work properly.
5The opener should be installed above the center of the door. If there is a torsion spring or center bearing plate in the way of the header bracket, it may be installed within 4 feet (1.2 m) to the left or right of the door center. See Installing the Header Bracket section.
Torsion Spring
Extension Spring
To prevent possible SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH:
•ALWAYS call a trained door systems technician if garage door binds, sticks, or is out of balance. An unbalanced garage door may NOT reverse when required.
•NEVER try to loosen, move or adjust garage door, door springs, cables, pulleys, brackets or their hardware, ALL of which are under EXTREME tension.
•Disable ALL locks and remove ALL ropes connected to garage door BEFORE installing and operating garage door opener to avoid entanglement.
To prevent damage to garage door and opener:
•ALWAYS disable locks BEFORE installing and operating the opener.
•ONLY operate garage door opener at 120 V, 60 Hz to avoid malfunction and damage.

Survey your garage area to see if you will need any of the following items:
A. (2) 2X4 PIECES OF WOODMay be used to fasten the header bracket to the structural supports. Also used to position the garage door opener during installation and for testing the safety reversing sensors.
B. SUPPORT BRACKET AND FASTENING HARDWARE Must be used if you have a finished ceiling in your garage.
C. EXTENSION BRACKETS (MODEL41A5281) OR WOOD BLOCKS Depending upon garage construction, extension brackets or wood blocks may be needed to install the safety reversing sensor.
D. FASTENING HARDWARE Alternate floor mounting of the safety reversing sensor will require hardware not provided.
Required if you do not have an access door in addition to your garage door.
F. DOOR REINFORCEMENT Required if you have a lightweight steel, aluminum, fiberglass or glass panel door.
G. RAIL EXTENSION KIT Required if your garage door is more than 7 feet (2.13 m) high.