Cisco 12000/10720 v3.2 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter14 Routing
BGP Address-Family Synchronization
BGP Address-Family Synchronization
BGP, by default, carries the routing information only for IPv4 unicast addresses.
Address family is used to enable BGP to carry the routing information for
multiple address types (ipv4 multicast,ipv4 unicast,ipv4 vrf,vpnv4 unicast). BGP
Address Family synchronization is provided to synchronize BGP Address
Families configured on the device with the EM. When the synchronization
process is initiated for the first time on the chassis, the address families in the
device are uploaded to the EM. For the subsequent synchronizations, only the new
address families configured on the device are uploaded to the EM and the address
families that are removed from the device are deleted from the EM.
To synchronize the BGP address families, proceed as follows:
Step1 Right click on a chassis and choose Configuration>BGP>BGP Address-Family
Synchronization. See Table14-1 on page 14-2 for information on which objects
allow you to launch the BGP Address-Family Synchronization window.
Note You can choose multiple chassis (from the chassis list displayed in the left
side of the BGP Address-Family Synchronization window) which allows
you to synchronize all the selected chassis simultaneously.