Cisco 12000/10720 v3.2 Router Manager User Guide
Chapter14 Routing
OSPF Status
Interface State—The OSPF Interface State.
Designated Router—The IP Address of the Designated Router.
Backup Designated router—The IP Address of the Backup Designated Router.
Interface Events—The number of times this OSPF interface has changed its state,
or an error has occurred.
Interface MetricAddressless Interface—Differentiates the addressless interfaces from the
addressed interfaces. When the value is set to zero, it signifies that the interface
has an IP address.
Interface Metric TOS—The type of service metric being referenced.
Interface Metric IP Address—The IP address of this OSPF interface.
Metric—The metric of using this type of service on this interface. The default
value of the TOS 0 Metric is 10^8 / ifSpeed.
Metric Status—Displays the validity or invalidity of the entry. Setting it to
'invalid' has the effect of rendering it inoperative.
Virtual InterfaceVir Interface Neighbor—The Router ID of the Virtual Neighbor.
Vir Interface Area ID—The Transit Area that the Virtual Link traverses.
Vir Interface Transit Delay—The estimated number of seconds it takes to transmit
a link- state update packet over this interface.
Vir Interface Retransmit Interval—The number of seconds between link-state
advertisement retransmissions, for adjacencies belonging to this interface.
This value is also used when retransmitting the database description and link-state
request packets. This value should be greater than the expected round-trip time.
Vir Interface Hello Interval—The time interval, in seconds, between the Hello
packets that the router sends on the interface. This value must be the same for the
virtual neighbor.
Vir Interface Router Dead Interval—The time interval, in seconds, during which
a router's Hello packets are not received before it's neighbors declare the router
down. This is a multiple of the Hello interval. This value must be the same for the
virtual neighbor.