SRB Configuration Examples
The command for the Token Ring interface specifies that the access list 701 be applied on the source address of frames going out to the Token Ring, and the command for the Ethernet interface specifies that this access list be applied on the source address frames entering the interface from Ethernet. This would work if both interfaces used the same bit ordering, but Token Rings and Ethernets use opposite (swapped) bit orderings in their addresses in relationship to each other. Therefore, the address of Host E on the Token Ring is not 0110.2222.3333, but rather 8008.4444.cccc, resulting in the following configuration. The following configuration is better. This example shows that access lists for Token Ring and Ethernet should be kept completely separate from each other.
interface tokenring 0
interface ethernet 0
NetBIOS Support with a Static NetBIOS Cache Entry Example
Figure 64 shows a NetBIOS client on a Token Ring connected through a cloud to a NetBIOS server on another Token Ring.
Figure 64 Specifying a Static Entry
Client ABC
Token |
Ring 1 | Bridge 1 | Bridge 1 |
| Ring group 2 |
Server DEF
Token |
Ring 3 | S1199a |
In Figure 64, a static entry is created in the router attached to ring 1 on the client side of the ring group. The static entry is to the server DEF, which is reached through the router attached to ring 3. If server DEF has the MAC address 0110.2222.3333, the configuration for the static entry on the client side is as follows:
rif 0110.2222.3333 0630.0021.0030