User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.4
Revised: November 13, 2013
This guide describes how to use Cisco Secure Access Control System (ACS) 5.4.


This guide is for security administrators who use ACS, and who set up and maintain network and
application security.

Document Conventions

This guide uses the convention whereby the symbol ^ represents the key labeled Control. For example,
the key combination ^z means hold down the Control key while you press the zkey.
Command descriptions use these conventions:
Examples that contain system prompts denote interactive sessions, indica ting the commands that
you should enter at the prompt. The system prompt indicates the current level of the EXEC
command interpreter. For example, the prompt Router> indicates tha t you should be at the user
level, and the prompt Router# indicates that you should be at the privileged level. Access to the
privileged level usually requires a password.
Commands and keywords are in boldface font.
Arguments for which you supply values are in italic font.
Elements in square brackets ([ ]) are optional.
Alternative keywords of which you must choose one are grouped in braces ({}) and separated by
vertical bars (|).
Examples use these conventions:
Terminal sessions and sample console screen displays are in screen font.
Information you enter is in boldface screen font.
Nonprinting characters, such as passwords, are in angle brackets (< >).
Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets ([]).
An exclamation point (!) at the beginning of a line indicates a comment line.