User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.4
Chapter13 M anaging Reports
Viewing Reports
Exporting Report Data
The viewer supports the ability to export report data to an Excel spreadsheet as a comma-separated
values (.csv) file, pipe-separated values (.psv) file, or a tab-separated values (.t sv) file. You can select an
option to export the column’s data type.
The spreadsheet data is formatted like the data in the information object or the template. If you edited
column headers or formatted numeric data in the report design, for example, the spreadsheet does not
reflect your edits. Figure 13-11 shows a sample CSV output file.
Figure13-11 Report Data Exported to Microsoft Excel
In Excel, you can resize columns and format the data as y ou would do for any other spreadsheet.
Step1 In the viewer, select Export Data.
The Export Data dialog box appears, as shown in Figure 13-12.