User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.4
Chapter17 Configuring System Operations
Scheduled Backups
Step3 You must activate the secondary server on the primary, either automatically or by issuing a manual
Related Topics
Viewing and Editing a Primary Instance, page 17-9
Viewing and Editing a Secondary Instance, page 17-13
Activating a Secondary Instance, page 17-14
Registering a Secondary Instance to a Primary Instance, page17-14
Deregistering Secondary Instances from the Distributed System Management Page, page 17-17
Promoting a Secondary Instance from the Distributed System Management Page, page 17-18
Using the Deployment Operations Page to Create a Local Mode Instance, page 17-23
Scheduled Backups
You can schedule backups to be run at periodic intervals. You can schedule backups from the primary
web interface or through the local CLI. The Scheduled Backups feature backs up ACS configuration
You can back up data from an earlier version of ACS and restore it to a later version.
Refer to the Installation and Setup Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.4 for mo re
information on upgrading ACS to later versions.
Related Topic
Creating, Duplicating, and Editing Scheduled Backups, page 17-6

Creating, Duplicating, and Editing Scheduled Backups

You can create a scheduled backup only for the primary instance. To create, duplicate, or edit a scheduled
Step1 Choose System Administration > Operations > Scheduled Backups.
The Scheduled Backups page appears. Table 17- 2 describes the fields listed in the Scheduled Backups