User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.4
Chapter13 Managing Reports
Organizing Report Data
Understanding Supported Operators
Table13-12 descr ibes the mathematical and logical operators you can use in writing expressions that
create calculated columns.
Using Numbers and Dates in an Expression
When you create an expression that contains a number, you must type the number according to the
conventions of the US English locale. In other words, use a period (.), not a comma (,), as the decimal
separator. For example:
Correct: 1234.56
Incorrect: 1234,56
When you create an expression that contains a date, type the date according to the conventions of the
locale you chose when you logged in. For example, in the French (France) locale type 03/12/2007 to
represent December 3, 2007, not 12/03/2007. You can enter a date or a date and t ime. Dates and times
must be enclosed in double quotes ("), for example:
"03/12/2007 11:00 AM"
Table13-12 Supported Operators to Use in Writing Expressions
Operator Description
x + y Addition of numeric values
x - y Subtr action of numeric values
x * y Multiplication of numeric values
x / y Division of numeric values
x% Percentage of a numeric value
x & y Concatenation of string values
x = y Test for equality of two values
x > y Tests whether x is greater than y
x < y Tests whether x is less than y
x >= y Tests whether x is greater than or equal to y
x <= y Tests whether x is less than or equal to y
x <> y Tests whether x is not equal to y
x AND y Tests for values that meet both condition x and condition y
x OR y Tests for values that meet either condition x or condition y
NOT x Tests for values that are not x