User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.4
Chapter17 Configuring System Operations
Promoting a Secondary Instance from the Distributed System Management Page
The system displays the following warning message:
This operation will deregister this server as a secondary with the primary server. ACS
will be restarted. You will be required to login again. Do you wish to continue?
Step3 Click OK.
Step4 Log into the ACS machine.
Step5 Choose System Administration > Operations > Local Operations > Deployment Operations.
The Deployment Operations page appears with the secondary instance you were logge d in to
deregistered from the primary instance.
Related Topics
Viewing and Editing a Secondary Instance, page 17-13
Deleting a Secondary Instance, page17-13
Activating a Secondary Instance, page 17-14
Deregistering Secondary Instances from the Distributed System Management Page, page 17-17
Promoting a Secondary Instance from the Distributed System Management Page, page 17-18
Using the Deployment Operations Page to Create a Local Mode Instance, page 17-23
Promoting a Secondary Instance from the Distributed System Management Page
To promote a secondary instance to a primary instance from the Distributed System Management page:
Step1 Choose System Administration > Operations > Distributed System Management.
The Distributed System Management page appears. See Table 17-4 for valid field options.
Step2 From the Secondary Instances table, check the box next to the secondary instance that you want to
promote to a primary instance.
Step3 Click Promote.
The Distributed System Management page appears with the promoted instance.
Related Topics
Viewing and Editing a Secondary Instance, page 17-13
Deleting a Secondary Instance, page17-13
Activating a Secondary Instance, page 17-14
Deregistering Secondary Instances from the Distributed System Management Page, page 17-17
Using the Deployment Operations Page to Create a Local Mode Instance, page 17-23