User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.4
time data types 13-31
time formats 13-31, 13-35
timesaver, description of ii-xxiv
time stamps 13-57, 13-59
time values 13-35, 13-50
TODAY function 13-59
Top N condition 13-70
Top Percent condition 13-70
totals 13-37, 13-59, 13-64
trailing characters 13-59
TRIM function 13-59
TRIMLEFT function 13-59
TRIMRIGHT function 13-59
connectivity 14-1
expert troubleshooter 14-2
support bundles 14-1
true function 13-59
Unformatted format option 13-31
uppercase characters 13-59
Uppercase format option 13-31
UPPER function 13-59
averaging 13-54, 13-57, 13-60, 13-64
calculating 13-42
comparing 13-37, 13-38, 13-71
counting number of distinct 13-54, 13-64
determining rank 13-58
displaying frequently occurring 13-64
hiding duplicate 13-67, 13-68
returning highest 13-57, 13-64
returning last 13-56, 13-64
returning lowest 13-57, 13-64, 13-70
returning null 13-70
returning specified 13-70
rounding 13-54, 13-58
searching for 13-72
sorting highest or lowest 13-75
testing for non-null 13-57
testing for null 13-56, 13-71
testing for specified 13-55
testing range of 13-71
testing sets of 13-71
value series 13-76
VAR function 13-59
variance 13-59, 13-64
Variance function 13-64
viewers 13-21
data 13-30, 13-42, 13-67
detail rows 13-68
reports 13-20
specific report pages 13-22, 13-23
table of contents 13-23
viewing environments 13-20
vpn remote access 4-20
configuring access service 4-22
supported clients 4-22
supported identity stores 4-21
supported network access servers 4-22
supported protocols 4-21
WEEKDAY function 13-60
WEEK function 13-59
WEIGHTEDAVERAGE function 13-60
Weighted average function 13-64
wildcard characters 13-59