User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.4
Chapter13 M anaging Reports
Understanding Charts
Changing Chart Subtype
charts have subtypes, which you can change as needed:
Bar chart—Side-by-Side, Stacked, Percent Stacked
Line chart—Overlay, Stacked, Percent Stacked
Area chart—Overlay, Stacked, Percent Stacked
Meter chart—Standard, Superimposed
Stock chart—Candlestick, Bar Stick
Many chart types offer two-dimensional subtypes, in which the chart shape appear s flat against the chart
background. Some charts also can be displayed with depth. A chart with depth appears to have added
dimension. To do this:
Step1 Right-clicking the chart whose subtype you want to modify.
Step2 Select Chart Subtype.
The Chart Subtype dialog box appears.
Step3 Select the desired chart subtype.
Changing Chart Formatting
Some of the formatting for a chart, such as the colors of the bars in a bar chart and the background color
of the chart, comes from the report template or the theme.
When viewing the report you can modify other items of the chart’s format, includin g the fonts and font
sizes of the chart title and axis labels, and the height and width of the chart. You can hide axis labels,
place labels at an angle relative to the axis, and hide the legend or determine where to display the legend
in relation to the chart.
You can modify other aspects of the chart’s appearance by right-clicking the chart and choosing Format.
In the dialog box that appears, choose the desired formatting properties.
To modify other aspects of the chart’s appearance, use Format Chart, shown in Figure 13-50.