User Guide for Cisco Secure Access Control System 5.4
Chapter13 Managing Reports
Organizing Report Data
False The Boolean False. This function is used in
expressions to indicate that an argument is false.
In the following example, False indicates
that the second argument, ascending, is
false and therefore the values should be
returned in descending order.
RANK([Score], false)
FIND(strToFind, str) Displays the index of the first occurrence of
specified text. The index is zero-based. The search
is case sensitive and the search string cannot include
The value in the strToFind argument must be
enclosed in quotation marks.
FIND("HQ", [OfficeName])
FIND(strToFind, str,
Similar to FIND(strToFind, str) but supports
providing a start position for the search. The index
is zero-based.
FIND("HQ", [OfficeName], 3)
FIRST(expr) Places the first value that appears in a specified
column into the calculated column. This function
supports viewing a row-by-row comparison against
a specific value.
FIRST(expr, groupLevel) Displays the first value that appears in the specified
column at the specified group level.
FIRST([customerID], 3)
IF(condition, doIfTrue,
Displays the result of an If...Then...Else statement. IF([purchaseVolume] >5 , 7 , 0)
[purchaseVolume] is the column
name and >5 is the test condition.
7 is the value to place in the new
column if the condition is true.
0 is the value to place in the new
column if the condition is false.
IN(value, check) Displays True if a data row contains a value
specified by the check argument and False
String values and date or time values must be
enclosed in quotation marks. For dates and times,
use the short date and short time formats for your
IN([custID], 101)
IN([city], "New Haven")
IN([FinishTime], "16:09")
IN(value, check1, ...,
Displays True if a data row contains any value
specified by the check argument list and False
String values and date or time values must be
enclosed in quotation marks. For dates and times,
use the short date and short time formats for your
IN([city], “New Haven”, “Baltimore”,
IN([ShipDate], “05/01/06”,
“05/10/06”, “05/15/06”)
Table13-11 Examples of Functions (continued)
Function Description Example of use