Chapter 4 Configuring Controller Settings
Using the Configuration Wizard
Running the Configuration Wizard on the CLI
When the controller boots at factory defaults, the bootup script runs the configuration wizard, which prompts the installer for initial configuration settings. Follow these steps to enter settings using the wizard on the CLI:
Step 1 Connect your computer to the controller using a
Step 2 Open a terminal emulator session using these settings:
•9600 baud
•8 data bits
•1 stop bit
•no parity
•no hardware flow control
Step 3 At the prompt, log into the CLI. The default username is admin and the default password is admin. Step 4 If necessary, enter reset system to reboot the unit and start the wizard.
Step 5 The first wizard prompt is for the system name. Enter up to 32 printable ASCII characters. Step 6 Enter an administrator username and password, each up to 24 printable ASCII characters.
Step 7 Enter the
Step 8 If you entered none in step 7 and need to enter a static IP address for the service port, enter the
Step 9 Enter the management interface IP Address, netmask, default router IP address, and optional VLAN identifier (a valid VLAN identifier, or 0 for untagged).
Step 10 Enter the Network Interface (Distribution System) Physical Port number. For the controller, the possible ports are 1 through 4 for a front panel GigE port.
Step 11 Enter the IP address of the default DHCP Server that will supply IP Addresses to clients, the management interface, and the service port interface if you use one.
Step 12 Enter the LWAPP Transport Mode, LAYER2 or LAYER3 (refer to the Layer 2 and Layer 3 LWAPP Operation chapter for an explanation of this setting).
Step 13 Enter the Virtual Gateway IP Address. This address can be any fictitious, unassigned IP address (such as to be used by Layer 3 Security and Mobility managers.
Step 14 Enter the Cisco WLAN Solution Mobility Group (RF group) name.
Step 15 Enter the WLAN 1 SSID, or network name. This is the default SSID that lightweight access points use to associate to a controller.
Step 16 Allow or disallow Static IP Addresses for clients. Enter yes to allow clients to supply their own IP addresses. Enter no to require clients to request an IP Address from a DHCP server.
Step 17 If you need to configure a RADIUS Server, enter yes, and enter the RADIUS server IP address, the communication port, and the shared secret. If you do not need to configure a RADIUS server or you want to configure the server later, enter no.
Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide
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