User Guide for Cisco Unified Service Monitor
Chapter1 Using Cisco Unified Service Monitor
Managing Cisco1040s
Note The image file directory path and the TFTP server address are displayed on the Setup page;
Setting Up Service Monitor, page 1-3.)
Understanding Cisco 1040 Failover to a Secondary or Tertiary Service Monitor
This topic explains how a Cisco 1040 determines that a primary Service Monitor is unreachable and how
the Cisco 1040 fails over to a secondary or tertiary Service Monitor.
A Cisco 1040 sends keepalive messages to the Service Monitor to which it is registered and receives
acknowledgements from the Service Monitor. After sending three keepalives without receiving any
acknowledgement, a Cisco 1040 starts a failover process to a secondary—or tertiary—Service Monitor:
1. The Cisco 1040 sends a keepalive to the secondary Service Monitor that is listed in its configuration
file and, upon acknowledgement, registers with that Service Monitor.
Note The Cisco 1040 retains the same ID. If you are using more than one TFTP server, see
Configuring Service Monitors and Cisco 1040s when Multiple TFTP Servers Are in Use,
page 1-9.
2. The secondary Service Monitor obtains the latest configuration file for this Cisco1040 from the
TFTP server, registering the Cisco 1040 as a failover Cisco1040.
3. The Cisco 1040 starts sending syslog messages to the secondary Service Monitor while continuing
to send keepalives to the primary Service Monitor to determine whether it is back up. The secondary
Service Monitor processes the syslog messages from the failed over Cisco 1040.
4. When the primary Service Monitor is back up, the Cisco 1040 unregisters from the secondary
Service Monitor and registers to the primary Service Monitor again.
Resetting a Cisco 1040Use this procedure to boot a Cisco 1040. After a Cisco 1040 boots, it first uses DHCP to obtain the IP
address of the TFTP server. From the TFTP server, Cisco1040 obtains a configuration file. If the
configuration file specifies a binary image file that is different from the currently installed image,
Cisco 1040 also obtains the binary image file from the TFTP server.
Step 1 From the Service Monitor home page, select Cisco1040 Sensor Management. (See Understanding the
Cisco 1040 Sensor Details Page, page 1-6.)
Step 2 Select check boxes for the Cisco 1040s that you want to reset.
Step 3 Click Reset Cisco 1040.