10 Events
10-14 VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Configuration | System | Events | Trap Destinations
This section of the Manager lets you configure SNMP network management systems as destinations of
event traps. Event messages sent to SNMP systems are called traps. If you configure any event
handlingdefault or specialwith values in Severity to Trap fields, you must configure trap destinations
in this section.
To configure default event handling, click the highlighted link that says Click here to configure general
event parameters. To configure special event handling, see the Configuration | System | Events | Classes
To configure well-known SNMP traps, see Table 10-3 under Severity to Trap for Configuration | System
| Events | General.
To have an SNMP-based network management system (NMS) receive any events, you must also
configure the NMS to see the VPN Concentrator as a managed device or agent in the NMS domain.
Figure 10-6: Configuration | System | Events | Trap Destinations screen

Trap Destinations

The Trap Destinations list shows the SNMP network management systems that have been configured as
destinations for event trap messages, and the SNMP protocol version associated with each destination.
If no trap destinations have been configured, the list shows --Empty--.
Add / Modify / Delete
To configure a new SNMP trap destination, click Add. See Configuration | System | Events | Trap Destinations
| Add.
To modify an SNMP trap destination that has been configured, select the destination from the list and
click Modify. See Configuration | System | Events | Trap Destinations | Modify.
To remove an SNMP trap destination that has been configured, select the destination from the list and
click Delete. There is no confirmation or undo. The Manager refreshes the screen and shows the
remaining entries in the list.