16 Using the Command Line Interface
16-4 VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Specifying configured items
Many menus give choices that act on configured itemssuch as groups, users, filter rules, etc.and the
CLI lists those items with a number and their name. To specify an item, you can usually enter either its
number or its name. The CLI indicates when you must use a specific identifier (usually the items
For example, the Configuration > User Management > Groups menu lists configured groups:
Current User Groups
---------------------------------------------- -----------------
| 1. QuickGroup | 2. IP SecGroup
---------------------------------------------- -----------------
1) Add a Group
2) Modify a Group
3) Delete a Group
4) Back
Groups -> _
To delete QuickGroup, enter 3 at the prompt. The CLI displays:
> Enter the Group to Delete
Groups -> _
At the prompt you can enter either its number ( 1) or its name (QuickGroup).
However, this next example shows the prompt for a specific identifier. The Configuration > System > Servers
> Authentication menu lists configured servers:
Authentication Server Summary Table
Num | Server | Type | Port
---------------------------------------------- ---------------
1 | Internal | Internal | 0
2 | | RADIUS | 0
---------------------------------------------- ---------------
1) Add Authentication Server
2) Modify Authentication Server
3) Delete Authentication Server
4) Move Server Up
5) Move Server Down
6) Test Server
7) Back
Authentication -> _
To delete the RADIUS server, enter 3 at the prompt. The CLI displays:
> Delete Server (number)
Authentication -> _
At the prompt, you must enter 2 for the RADIUS server.