A Errors and troubleshooting
A-2 VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide

Configuration files

The VPN Concentrator saves the current boot configuration file (CONFIG) and its predecessor
(CONFIG.BAK) as files in flash memory. These files may be useful for troubleshooting. See
Administration | File Management | Files for information on managing files in flash memory.
VPN Concentrator Manager errors
These errors may occur while using the HTML-based VPN Concentrator Manage r with a browser.

Browser Refresh / Reload button logs out the Manager

Browser Back or Forward button displays an incorrect screen or incorrect data

Problem Possible cause Solution
You clicked the
Refresh or Reload
button on the
browsers navigation
toolbar, and the
Manager logged out.
The main login screen
To protect access
security, clicking
Refresh / Reload on
the browsers
automatically logs
out the Manager
Do not use the browsers navigation toolbar
buttons with the VPN Concentrator Manager.
Use only the Managers Refresh button where it
appears on a screen.
We recommend that you hide the browsers
navigation toolbar to prevent mistakes.
Problem Possible cause Solution
You clicked the Back
or Forward button on
the browsers
navigation toolbar, and
the Manager displayed
the wrong screen or
incorrect data.
To protect security
and the integrity of
data entries,
clicking Back or
Forward on the
browsers toolbar
deletes pointers and
values within the
Do not use the browsers navigation toolbar
buttons with the VPN Concentrator Manager.
Navigate using the location bar at the top of the
Manager window, the table of contents in the left
frame, or links on Manager screens.
We recommend that you hide the browsers
navigation toolbar to prevent mistakes.