Index-10 VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
tunneling protocols
configuring 7-2
section of Manager 7-1
Tx LED (Ethernet) A-11
type (model number), system 15-10
typographic conventions xxxix
understanding the VPN Concentrator Manager window 1-19
update software on VPN Concentrator 14-14
usage graph
LEDs (monitoring) 15-11
LEDs (table) A-11
selector button 15-25
user attributes, default
See base group 12-3
user management
configuring 12-3
section of Manager 12-1
users, configuring on internal server (user management)
add 12-34
delete 12-34
modify 12-34
using the CLI 16-3
using the VPN Concentrator Manager 1-1
viewing SSL certificates
with Internet Explorer 1-9
with Netscape 1-15
voltage status 15-19
VPN Concentrator Manager
errors A-2
logging in 1-18
logging out 1-21
navigating 1-24
organization of 1-23
understanding the window 1-19
using 1-1
configuring 8-12
statistics 15-71
WAN card
LED indicators A-12
putting in loopback mode A-13
WAN interface
See interfaces
wildcard masks 7-15, 7-17, 13-8, 13-16
format xl
window, Manager, understanding 1-19
Windows 2000 client
and Mode Configuration 12-9, 12-27
configure transport mode 13-24
L2TP over IPSec support 7-1, 12-7, 12-23, 12-39
PPTP support 12-6, 12-23, 12-38
WINS, configuring for group 12-22
workstations allowed admnistrator access 14-26
X.509 digital certificates 14-35
XAuth 12-9, 12-26
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