Administration | Software Update
VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Enter the complete pathname of the new image file, or click Browse... to find and select the file from your
workstation or network. Cisco-supplied VPN 3000 Concentrator software im age files are named:
Model 3005 = vpn3005.<Major Version>.<Minor Version>.< Patch Version>.bin;
e.g., vpn3005.2.5.bin.
Models 3015, 3030, 3060, and 3080 = vpn3000.<Major Version>.<Minor
Version>.<Patch Version>.bin; e.g., vpn3000.2.5 .bin.
The Major and Minor Version numbers are always present; the Patch Version number is present only if
Be sure you select the correct file for your VPN Concentrator model; otherwise the update will fail.
To upload the new image file to the VPN Concentrator, click Upload.
Software Update Progress
This window shows the progress of the software upload. The number of bytes transfe rred is refreshed in
10-second intervals.
Figure 14-11: Administration | Software Update Progress window
When the upload is finished, the system verifies the integrity of the software, and the progress window
displays a completion message.
Figure 14-12: Administration | Software Update Complete window
Click OK to close the progress window.