15 Monitoring
15-34 VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
To update the screen and its data, click Refresh. The date and time indicate when the screen was last
Back to Sessions
To return to the Monitor | Sessions screen, click Back to Sessions.
Monitor | Sessions | Detail parameters
Table 15-2: Parameter definitions for Monitor | Sessions | Detail screens
Parameter Definition
Assigned IP Address The private IP address assigned to the remote client for this
session. This is also known as the inner or virtual IP address,
and it lets the client appear to be a host on the private network.
Authentication Mode The protocol or mode used to authenticate this session.
Bytes Rx
Bytes Received
The total number of bytes received from the remote peer or client
by the VPN Concentrator.
Bytes Tx
Bytes Transmitted
The total number of bytes transmitted to the remote peer or client
by the VPN Concentrator.
Connection Name The name of the IPSec LAN-to-LAN connection.
Diffie-Hellman Group The algorithm and key size used to generate IPSec SA encryption
Duration The elapsed time (HH:MM:SS) between the session login time and
the last screen refresh.
Encapsulation Mode Th e mode for applying IPSec ESP (Encapsulation Security
Payload protocol) encryption and authentication; i.e., wha t part of
the original IP packet has ESP applied.
Encryption Algorithm
The data encryption algorithm this session is using, if any.
Hashing Algorithm The algorithm used to create a hash of the packet, which is used
for IPSec data authentication.
Idle Time The elapsed time (HH:MM:SS) between the last communication
activity on this session and the last screen refresh.
IKE Negotiation Mode The IKE (IPSec Phase 1) mode for exchanging key information
and setting up SAs: Aggressive or Main.
IKE Sessions: The total number of IKE (IPSec Phase 1) sessions; usually 1.
These sessions establish the tunnel for IPSec traffic.
IP Address The IP address of the remote peer VPN Concentrator or other
secure gateway that initiated the IPSec LAN-to-LAN connection.