1 Using the VPN 3000 Concentrator Series Manager
1-10 VPN 3000 Concentrator Series User Guide
Installing the SSL certificate with Netscape
This section describes SSL certificate installation using Netscape Navigator / Communicator 4.5.


You need to install the SSL certificate from a given VPN Concentrator only once. If you try to reinstall
it, Netscape displays the note in Figure 1-14. Click OK and just connect to the VPN Concentrator using
SSL (see Step 7 on page 1-13).
Figure 1-14: Netscape reinstallation note

First-time installation

The instructions below follow from Step 2 on page 1-4 and describe first-time certificate installation.
A few seconds after the VPN Concentrator Manager SSL screen appears, Netscape displays a New
Certificate Authority screen.
Figure 1-15: Netscape New Certificate Authority screen 1
1Click Next> to proceed.
Netscape displays the next New Certificate Authority screen, which further explains the process.