(FUP) commands, and generates
default user (DEFUSER). An attribute of a Compaq virtual filestore (VFS) profile that allows access to files in the Compaq responder’s VFS in cases where the initiator identity and filestore password are not provided when an association is established. The default user specifies the default Guardian user ID and password to be used.
diagnostic parameter. An optional parameter providing information that qualifies the success or explains the failure of a requested FTM procedure call. For applications using the FTAM API, this parameter primarily returns whatever diagnostic messages have been received from the remote responder or the local initiator. In addition, you can use this parameter to send diagnostic messages to a remote responder using the FTM_CANCEL_REQ_ , FTM_DATA_END_REQ_ , and FTM_U_ABORT_REQ_ procedures. See also ISO FTAM diagnostic messages.
Distributed Systems Management. See DSM.
distributor. An EMS process that distributes event messages from event logs to requesting management applications, to Compaq NonStop Kernel destinations, or to a collector. Contrast collector.
document type. An FTAM definition, defining the structure of and method of access to a file. Compaq FTAM supports four document types:
DSM (Distributed Systems Management). A set of tools provided by Compaq to manage NonStop systems, Expand networks, and Compaq communications products. These tools include the ViewPoint console application, the Subsystem Control Facility (SCF) for data communications subsystems, the Subsystem Programmatic Interface (SPI), the Event Management Service (EMS), the PTrace (print trace) utility, token- oriented programmatic interfaces to the management processes for various Compaq subsystems, and other products.
EMS (Event Management Service). A facility provided by Compaq for event collection, event logging, and event distribution on Compaq NonStop systems. It includes different forms of event description for interactive and programmatic interfaces, lets an operator or application select specific