6 Responder Manager
This section discusses considerations that are related to the configuration and management of the responder process and its VFS on the Compaq system, but that you might need to know when writing or using FTAM applications on the remote system. It covers the following topics:
Notes on configuration Fault tolerance Event messages
Full details on FTAM configuration, management, and troubleshooting on the Compaq system are provided in the OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual.
Notes on Configuration
Compaq FTAM (responder and APLMGR processes), the OSI/AS subsystem, the OSI/TS subsystem, and TLAM (or PAM for G06 and above releases) or X25AM or TCP/IP must be configured and running on the Compaq system before your application can communicate with the Compaq responder.
Because of the flexibility, and resultant complexity, of the configuration of underlying Compaq OSI layers, configuration errors are a common cause of problems in Compaq FTAM applications. The Compaq problem solver should pay special attention to checking the configuration of Compaq FTAM and the configuration of the underlying OSI layers (via Compaq OSI/AS).
The following aspects of configuration are important to writers and users of remote FTAM applications:
OSI address of responder
Ways to increase responder capacity Ways to increase responder performance
OSI Address of Responder
The assigned OSI address of each responder process is configured on the Compaq system. Remote applications must refer to this address when requesting the services of the responder. Several responders can be assigned to the same address.