service user. An entity that uses services provided to it by a
session address. See SSAP.
Session Layer. Layer 5 in the OSI Reference Model. This layer allows the setup and termination of communication sessions between systems on the network.
session selector. See SSEL.
session service access point. See SSAP.
simplification. The process of deriving one document from another document of a different type by discarding structural information. In particular, the act of reading a file of a specific FTAM document type as a less structured, or simpler, FTAM document type.
SPDU (session protocol data unit). See PDU.
SPI (Subsystem Programmatic Interface). A set of procedures and associated definition files used on Compaq NonStop systems to define common
SQL (structured query language). A
SSAP (session service access point). A
SSEL (session selector). A logical address in the Session Layer through which session services are made available.
state. (1) The condition at a particular point in the OSI protocol. See also protocol state machine. (2) In DSM, the current condition of an object that indicates its readiness to do work. States for PROCESS objects include STARTED, STOPPED, SUSPENDED, and UNKNOWN. The only state for SU objects is STARTED; the only state for SUBSYS objects is DEFINED. See also state transition; also called summary state.
state machine. See protocol state machine.
state transition. In DSM, a condition that exists when a process is in transition from one state to another. State transitions for PROCESS objects include ABORTING, STARTING, STOPPING, and SUSPENDING. Also called