Conformance and Interoperatility

Data-Transfer Considerations

Maximum-String-Length Parameter

Compaq FTAM supports unbounded strings. The limitations of the maximum-string- length parameter are described in detail in Section 4.

String-Significance Parameter

The Compaq FTAM responder supports all three values (fixed, variable, and not- significant) for the string-significance parameter in FTAM-1 documents. For the FTAM-3 document type, it supports the values not-significant, fixed, and variable.

Universal-Class Parameter

The default universal-class parameter value used by the Compaq FTAM responder for FTAM-1 and FTAM-2 files is GraphicString, as specified in ISO 8571.

Simplification and Relaxation

Simplification is the act of reading a file of a specific FTAM document type as a less structured, or simpler, FTAM document type. Compaq FTAM supports

the simplification of FTAM-2 Enscribe relative files to FTAM-1 files, but does not support simplification of Structured Query Language (SQL) tables.

Relaxation, or the process of deriving one document from another by making the parameters describing it less restrictive, is not supported at all by Compaq FTAM.

Mapping of Contents-Type Parameters

The Compaq FTAM virtual filestore (VFS) supports the Compaq FTAM responder by providing an interface to the Guardian file system. It maps FTAM file structures and attributes to Guardian file structures and attributes, and vice versa. Section 4 describes the mappings of FTAM document types to Guardian file types.

Note that the Compaq responder does not keep a permanent record of the contents-type parameter values used on creation of a file in the VFS. These values are directly available only during the life of the FTAM association in which the file was created. When a remote initiator makes a create request followed by an open request and the open request specifies a contents type of unknown, the responder uses the contents-type parameter values specified in the create request. However, this information is lost when the association is terminated. On subsequent accesses to the file via a select request followed by an open request with a contents type of unknown, the responder uses its default values based on the file structure, as described in Section 4.

Data-Transfer Considerations

This subsection briefly describes the aspects of Compaq FTAM data handling that might affect interoperability between the Compaq FTAM responder and another FTAM implementation. For complete information, see Section 4.

OSI/FTAM Responder Manual425199-001


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Compaq OSI/APLMGR D43 manual Maximum-String-Length Parameter, String-Significance Parameter, Universal-Class Parameter