Compaq OSI/APLMGR D43, OSI/FTAM D43 manual Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages, 2021, A-10


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Compaq FTAM Responder Diagnostic Messages

Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages

Effect. The association is not established. The responder generates the password-fail event (event number 20).

Recovery. For the first cause, the application or FTAM user should retry the request using a valid password; for the second cause, the Compaq problem solver should correct the default password by reconfiguring the DEFUSER attribute in the responder’s VFS profile on the Compaq system.


Incompatible service classes

Cause. The responder can return this diagnostic message in two conditions:

In examining the initiate indication, the responder detected either a value of unconstrained for the service class or no value at all for the service class.

The remote initiator requested services requiring the management service class, but the management service class was not negotiated on the F-INITIALIZE request.

Effect. For the first cause, the association is not established. For the second cause, the responder aborts the association.

Recovery. The application or FTAM user should reestablish the association negotiating values for service class and functional units that are valid for the responder and that support the requests being made.

Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages

Table A-6 displays the diagnostic error identifiers generated while selecting a file or negotiating a service.

OSI/FTAM Responder Manual425199-001


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Compaq OSI/APLMGR D43, OSI/FTAM D43 manual Selection-Related Diagnostic Messages, 2021, A-10