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If you are diagnosing and solving FTAM problems using tools on the Compaq system where your responder resides, you also need to refer to the following manuals: the OSI/FTAM Configuration and Management Manual and the SCF Reference Manual for FTAM and APLMGR.
If you need to understand the meaning of event messages and additional information on displaying trace records for problem diagnosis, you need to refer to the following manuals:
•PTrace Reference Manual provides general information on how to select and interpret information in trace files created using the SCF TRACE command. This information serves as background for the
•Operator Messages Manual.
If you need to understand how files are stored in the Compaq responder’s VFS or if you are diagnosing problems in the VFS, the following manuals are also likely to be of interest:
•Enscribe Programmer’s Guide describes the four types of Enscribe disk files on the Compaq system (unstructured,
•NonStop SQL Installation and Management Manual explains how to install NonStop SQL, the Compaq relational database management system, and how to plan, create, and manage NonStop SQL databases. This manual is useful to you if your applications access SQL tables as
•NonStop SQL Messages Manual describes messages produced by the NonStop SQL relational database management system and
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Many of the improvements you see in manuals are a result of suggestions from our customers. Please take this opportunity to help us improve future manuals.
OSI/FTAM Responder