
The following glossary defines terms used both in this manual and in the other Compaq FTAM manuals. Not all terms listed here are used in this particular manual.

abstract syntax. A standardized method of describing data structures that is independent of the way they are represented in data transmission. An abstract syntax uses a set of primitive elements defined by an abstract syntax notation such as ASN.1, defines ranges of values for the primitive elements, and defines ways of combining these elements. See also transfer syntax and ASN.1.

Abstract Syntax Notation-1. See ASN.1.

access-context parameter. A parameter used for read transfers within the data-transfer regime to specify the file structure by which information in the file is accessed. Possible structures for Compaq FTAM are flat all data units (for FTAM-2 files) and unstructured all data units (for FTAM-1, FTAM-2, and FTAM-3 files). See UA and FA.

access-control attribute. A file attribute that contains the information to determine whether file access is allowed or denied. The attribute value is set when the file is created. You can alter the access-control attribute using the change-attribute action.

ACSE (Association Control Service Element). An application service element (ASE) in the Application Layer of the OSI Reference Model. The ACSE exists within an application entity and enables other ASEs to establish and release associations. It is accessible to users of OSI/AS through the APS procedures. See also ASE or Application Layer.

action-result parameter. In effect, a summary of the ISO FTAM diagnostic parameter. The action-resultvalue success (ZFTM-VAL-ACTION-SUCCESS for the FTAM API) indicates that the requested service was performed successfully. The action-resultvalue failure (ZFTM-VAL-ACTION-FAILURE for the FTAM API) indicates that the service was not performed successfully. If any one of the diagnostic messages returned indicates a failure, the value of action-resultmust be failure. See also state-result parameter.

activity attributes. Dynamic attributes specific to an individual FTAM association. These attributes are both created and discarded during the life of an association and may change as the status of the association changes. See also file attributes.

AE title. See application entity title.

APDU (application protocol data unit). See PDU.

API. See application program interface (API).

APLMGR (Compaq OSI/Application Manager). The Compaq subsystem that performs management functions for Compaq FTAM. The APLMGR subsystem consists of two entities: the APLMGR process and the management information base (MIB). There is only one APLMGR per FTAM subsystem.

application. A user program that uses services provided by products such as Compaq FTAM. The program accesses layers of the OSI Reference Model through the top layer

OSI/FTAM Responder Manual—425199-001


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Compaq OSI/FTAM D43 manual Glossary, Abstract Syntax Notation-1. See ASN.1, Apdu application protocol data unit. See PDU