Connect Tech Blue Heat/Net Sync User Manual
Activating the Special Operations Mode and Default Settings
Blue Heat/Net Sync includes a push button on the rear of the unit beside the DC power connector. This push button can be used to perform special operations such as resetting the unit to its default settings or forcing port scanning in situations where the SCM is not accessible.
Using the Reset Button to Activate the Special Operations Mode
To activate the Special Operations Mode, hold the reset button while the unit is powering up. Hold the button until all the port LEDs blink rapidly and then release the reset button. The port LEDs will continue to flash rapidly after the reset button is released to indicate the Special Operations Mode is active.
Selecting a Special Operation
Once the Special Operations Mode has been activated, four operation options are available:
1.Abandon the Special Operations Mode
To abandon the Special Operations Mode without selecting a special operation, press and hold the reset button for at least four seconds. While the button is pressed, the rapid flashing of the port LEDs will stop. After four seconds, the rapid flashing will resume and the reset button can be released. After the release of the reset button, the port LEDs will turn off, indicating that the Special Operations Mode has terminated.
2.Cancel a Special Operation
If you need to cancel a special operation after it has been selected, repeatedly press the reset button until all the port LEDs begin to flash rapidly. Then abandon the Special Operations Mode by pressing the reset button for four seconds, as explained above.
3.Select a Special Operation
Operations are selected by repeated short presses of the reset button. Each time the reset button is pressed it is counted and represented on the port LEDs as a binary number with the port 1 LED as the least significant bit (see Table 1). Choose the operation which you want to perform. If you miss the selection that you want, keep pressing the button. The count starts over again once it reaches 7 (1111 binary).
4.Activate a Special Operation
To activate a selection, press and hold the reset button for at least four seconds. During this time the rapid flashing of the port LEDs will stop. Once the rapid flashing resumes you can release the reset button. The port LEDs will turn off indicating that the Special Operations Mode has been activated.
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