Connect Tech Blue Heat/Net Sync User Manual
Revision 0.03 25
SCM (Serial Configuration Manager)


The Serial Configuration Manager is one of the applications you can use to access the
Configuration Data Space (CDS) settings of the Blue Heat/Net Sync. Since the CDS stores the
default serial port settings, it is important that the line mode is configured prior to first use.
Accessing the ports will not be possible otherwise.

Getting Access to the SCM

To access the SCM, simply connect a serial port terminal device (or a PC running a terminal
emulator program) to any of the serial ports on the Blue Heat/Net Sync and enter a correct
Password. A command prompt is then sent to the terminal and CDS parameters can be changed
using a command line style of entry.
Blue Heat/Net Sync has configurable line interfaces. Certain settings can affect access to the
SCM. The ports are scanned as follows:
The default line mode setting of all ports is Undefined. Under these conditions, the first two ports
are set to RS-232 mode during port scanning. Access to the SCM is available through these ports
only (you should set all ports to a known state prior to use).
When a port is set to something other than Undefined, any port with a setting of RS-232 or RS-
485 Full Duplex will be scanned. Otherwise, scanning is not performed and access to SCM is
not available.
NOTE: To access the Blue Heat/Net Sync via the SCM
your serial line interface settings must be at the default
values of 9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit
(9600, 8, n, 1). No flow control is recommended.
In a situation where port scanning is not performed, you can still access the SCM using the push
button reset on the back of the unit. Follow the instructions in the section Activating the Special
Operations Mode and Default Settings to access the SCM in this situation
See the section which describes how the Blue Heat/Net Sync boots for a complete description of
the Bootup process of the Blue Heat/Net Sync and how to access the SCM.

SCM Command Reference

SCM commands are entered as strings of ASCII characters with options separated by whitespace
characters. The entire command line is terminated by a CR character or CR/LF character pair.
Command lines can be entered manually (via a terminal or a PC with terminal emulator
program) or sent from an application program.
If an SCM command is entered with no options specified, the command shows the syntax of its
options and the current setting of those options.

Brief Command List

boot Bootup settings
cfg SCM operational settings
exit Exits the SCM application (and optionally reboots the Blue Heat/Net Sync)
help Brief list of available commands and their syntax
info Blue Heat/Net S ync general information and flash verification
net Network settings