This manual contains information regarding the installation, opera- tion, and configuration of corega DSLAAU. Additionally, it outlines the use of the Control Panel Application.
The following chapters are included in this manual:
•Chapter 1: “Overview” offers a brief description of ADSL, protocol and device driver selection, and the features of corega DSLAAU.
•Chapter 2: “Hardware Installation” describes the steps for connecting corega DSLAAU.
•Chapter 3: “Software Installation” describes the steps for installing corega DSLAAU drivers under various operating systems.
•Chapter 4: “Customizing Communication Settings” provides detailed steps for altering the ATM Virtual Path ID (VPI), ATM Virtual Circuit ID (VCI), Encapsulation type and/or Modulation type values previously defined.
•Chapter 5: “Updating Software,” details the procedure for updating to a new version of the modem software.
•Chapter 6: “Software Uninstall” provides detailed steps for removing corega DSLAAU software from the PC.