Classic Vinaigrette

Makes ¾ cup
1 small garlic clove, peeled and quartered
¾ cup vegetable oil
¼ cup red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
¹∕8 teaspoon ground white pepper
¹∕8 teaspoon table salt
Place garlic in jar of Cuisinart® SmartPower® 7-Speed Electronic B lender. Place
cover on jar. Turn blender on and process on Liquef y until finely chopp ed, about 10
seconds. Add remaining ingredients in order listed, and blend on Stir until combined,
about 15 to 20 seconds. Turn ble nder off. Store in ref rigerator in an air tight container
for up to 3 weeks.
Nutritional info rmation per ta blespoon:
$BMPSJFTGSPNGBU tDBSCHtQSP HtGBUHtTBUGBUH
tDIPMNHtTPE NHtDBMDNHtGJC FSH

Buttermilk Pancakes

Makes sixteen 4-inch pancakes
1½ cups lowfat buttermilk
2 large eggs
1¼ cups unbleached all-purpose flour
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon granulated sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon table salt
cooking spray
Place first eight ingr edients, in order lis ted, in jar of Cuisinar t® SmartPower® 7-Speed
Electronic Blender (not vegetable oil cookin g spray). Place cover on j ar. Turn blender on
and blend on purée fo r 10 seconds. Turn blender off. Scrape blender jar with a spatula.
Turn blender on and blend on Purée for an addit ional 15 to 20 seconds. Turn bl ender
Coat a large nonstick skillet or griddle wit h vegetable oil cook ing spray, and heat
over medium heat. Pour ba tter into 4-inch panc akes. When they star t to bubble, turn
and brown the other sid e, about 45 seconds. Repeat with remainin g batter, coating
skillet with cooking sp ray as necessar y.
Nutritional info rmation per pa ncake:
$BMPSJFTGSP NGBUtDBSCHtQ SPHtGBUHtTBU GBUH
tDIPMNHtTPENHtD BMDNHtGJCFS H

Cuisinart Crêpes

Makes sixteen crêpes (about 8-9” diameter)
1²∕³ cups warm water
3 tablespoons softened, unsalted butter,
cut into 1-inch pieces
1 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
3 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon table salt
cooking spray
Place first six ingre dients, in order liste d, into jar of Cuisinar t® SmartPower® 7-Speed
Electronic Blender (not cooking spray). Place c over on jar. Turn blender on an d blend
on Mix for 10 seconds. Turn bl ender off. Scrape bl ender jar with a sp atula. Turn
blender on and continu e blending on Mix un til smooth, about 5 to 10 s econds. Turn
blender off.
Refrigerate in a covered container for 2 hour s before using. Store in an airtight
container in the refri gerator for up to 2 days. Stir well before usin g.
Coat a 9½-inch nonstick s killet with cooking s pray, and place over medium heat.
Pour 3 tablespoons bat ter into skillet, and swirl to coat bottom of the pan evenly with
a thin film. Cook about 1 minute on each side , or until lightly brown ed.
Reserve crêpes. Rep eat with remaining bat ter, coating pan with co oking spray as
Serve with creamed c hicken, fresh berrie s or sautéed apples.
Nutritional ana lysis per crê pe:
$BMPSJFTGSP NGBUtDBSCHtQS PHtGBUHtTBUG BUH
tDIPMNHtTPENHtD BMDNHtGJCFS H