Using the Configuration Menu | |
Tools > Misc (continued)
VPN Pass Through:
WAN Select to 10/100Mbps:
Log Email Settings:
From Email
To Email Address:
SMTP Server:
Enable Authentication:
Account Name:
On Log Full:
On Schedule:
Normally, this is set to “auto”. If you have trouble connecting to the WAN, try the other settings.
The Email feature can be used to send the system log files to a designated email address.
This email address will appear as the sender when you receive a log file via email.
Enter the email address where you want the email sent.
Enter the SMTP server address for sending email.
If your SMTP server requires authentication, select this option.
Enter your account for sending email.
Enter the password associated with the account.
Select this option if you want logs to be sent by email when the log is full.
Select this option if you want logs to be sent by email according to a schedule.
If you selected the On Schedule option, select one of the defined schedule rules. If you do not see the schedule you need in the list of schedules, go to the Advanced
Note: Email is sent at the start time defined for a schedule; the schedule end time is not used for email.
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