DNS | Domain Name Service. | DNS entries on |
| internet DNS servers map site names (also | |
| called, “URLs”) to their actual IP addresses. | |
E |
| |
Ethernet | A particular type of LAN described in a | |
| standard established by the IEEE (802.3), | |
| with 10Mbps data transmission. | |
F |
| |
Fast Ethernet | An extension of Ethernet LAN (defined in | |
| standard 802.3u) to allow 100Mbps trans- | |
| missions. |
H |
| |
Hub | The central device in a | |
| used to connect each station to the network. | |
I |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and | Electronics Engi- |
| neers, an accredited professional group of | |
| scientists and engineers who help set stan- | |
| dards for LAN communications technology. | |
| Communications with a network device us- | |
| ing the network medium itself. Contrast | |
| with |
Internet server | A device designed to provide internet access | |
| to multiple users at multiple stations but | |
| through a single access point (both a single | |
| ISP and only one public domain IP). |
Glossary | 79 |