Internet/Print Server User’s Guide
an IP address automatically” option under TCP/IP will have to be selected.
Options: Yes/No
Default Value: Yes
Description: This setting is the “on/off” switch for using a DHCP server. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) allows IP addresses to be dynamically assigned. Rather than assigning a specific local IP address to each station, the inter- net/print server will assign IPs to each station dynamically if the DHCP server function is enabled.
IP Address Range -> Start
The range of IP addresses available to the internet/print server for DHCP allocation is set using two settings. This is the first.
Options: Any IP address within the three reserved IP ranges. The IP chosen must correlate with the End of the range.
Default Value:
Must Be User Modified? No.
Description: This setting indicates the beginning of the range of IP addresses available for DHCP use in assigning IPs. It is paired with the next setting to create an address range.
50 | Configuration Settings |