A table showing all the hours in all the days of the week. Choose Add to add a period of time to the table during which the internet server can dial out.
♦Holiday Table
The holiday table is used to create exceptions to the schedule table. The holiday table lists all 12 months. Choose Add to add a date to the holiday table. Any dates designated in the holiday table will keep the internet server from dial- ing out on that day. The Holiday table is only enabled when scheduling is enabled.
♦Dial Up Mode
In normal operation (when scheduling is disabled) the internet server will always dial out when it receives a data packet destined for the internet, and will hang up when the idle time condition in the System Configuration menu is met. However, when scheduling is enabled, the internet server will maintain the WAN connection according to these parameters:
∙Auto Dial – Causes the internet server to auto- matically dial out when a scheduled time occurs. If the internet server is scheduled to operate be- tween 9:00 am and 17:00 pm on Mondays, then at 9:00 am Monday morning the internet server will dial out regardless of whether it receives a packet destined for the internet. The connection to the internet will be maintained until the scheduled period elapses.
∙Dial on Demand – Causes the internet server to dial out when it receives a packet for the internet, if the packet is received within the time allowed for dialing up in the schedule table. If a request is received to access the internet outside of the time
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