The system always provides gun to host data communication using the following message formatting:
Output Message from GRYPHON™ D or GRYPHON™ M Stand Alone Towards Host
[Header] [Gun_Addr] [Gun_Addr_delimiter] ] [Code ID] [Code Length] CODE [Terminator]
[Items in square brackets are optional.]
Output Message from GRYPHON™ M
[Header] [Code ID] [Code Length] CODE [Terminator]
[Items in square brackets are optional.]
5.3.1Header/Terminator Selection
The header/terminator selection is not effected by the reading of the restore default code. In fact, header and terminator default values depend on the interface selection:
RS232: | no header, terminator |
WEDGE: | no header, terminator ENTER |
These default values are always restored through the reading of RS232 or WEDGE interface selection code, see chapter 2.