Display Configuration
When Option ZC is scanned, the program version followed by car- riage
Transmit Version Number
Power Consumption
You may choose one of two Power Consumption modes. Option @A supplies full power to the scanner at all times; Option @B allows the unit to revert to a standby mode after a successful read. This mode is a power conservation feature.
Enable Continuous@ Full Power
Enable Standby *#
Laser Redundancy
For a successful decode to occur when Laser Redundancy is enabled, two laser scans of the bar code must match. Because the laser scans a label many times a second, you will notice little or no change in the speed of the decode. Laser redundancy can be used to enhance the security of the bar code reader.
Disable Laser Redundancy *#@
Enable 2 Times Laser Redundancy
06656 | 23 |