Welcome to CarChip
Example File
Sample data is automatically loaded and displayed in the CarChip software when the software is installed and opened for the first time. Use the sample data to view the functionality that exists in the CarChip software.
To display the example data:
1.The Example File dialog box displays when the CarChip software is first opened. This dialog box displays an alert that a file with sample data will be opened and displayed. Click OK to open the sample data file.
The sample data file, Example.car, is located in your CarChip software directory and can also be manually opened.
To manually open the example file:
1.Select Open in the File Menu. The Browse dialog box displays.
2.Select the Example.car file in the CarChip program directory. The CarChip program directory is located in the directory where you installed the CarChip Software. In this example, the directory is C:\Program Files\CarChip.
3.Click Open to load the example file into the software. Click Cancel to exit the dialog box without opening the file.