Dell 3000 manual Accessing the Setup Program, Main Menu Options

Models: 3000

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Setup Program

Your computer retains system configuration information in the nonvolatile random-access memory (NVRAM) maintained by your computer’s backup battery. Each time you turn on your computer, the system compares the installed hardware with the system configuration infor- mation stored in NVRAM. If the system detects a discrepancy, it generates an error message that identifies the incorrect configuration setting. The system then prompts you to enter the Setup program to correct the setting.

You can use the Setup program as follows:

To set or change user-selectable features—for exam- ple, power management or security features

To verify information about your computer’s current configuration, such as the amount of system memory

To change your system configuration information after you add, change, or remove hardware con- nected to or installed inside your computer

Accessing the Setup Program

To access the Setup program, press <F2> when prompted during start-up. The computer reboots automatically when you exit the Setup program.

CAUTION: To avoid data loss, exit any application programs before rebooting the computer to enter the Setup program.

The Main menu of the Setup program shows how the computer is configured. In addition to the Main menu (see Figure 2-1), you can also access the System Devices menu, Security menu, Power menu, Boot menu, and Exit menu.

NOTE: When you press <F9>, the computer resets the default values for each option in that menu. When you press <F10>, the computer saves the current values and exits the Setup program.

Main Menu Options

The following subsections explain each option in the Main menu of the Setup program. The same information is also available in the topic titled “Main Menu” in the online System User’s Guide .

2-2 Dell Inspiron 3000 Reference and Troubleshooting Guide

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Dell 3000 manual Accessing the Setup Program, Main Menu Options