Dell 3000 manual Dell Diagnostics Tests

Models: 3000

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Table 4-2. Dell Diagnostics Tests (continued)

Test Groups






Hard-Disk Drives

Disk Controller Test

Tests a drive that uses fixed, internal


Seek Test

disks. Also tests the associated control-


Read Test

ling devices.


Write Test






Drive Controller Test

Tests an IDE drive that uses removable


Seek Test

CD media. Also tests the associated con-


Read Test

trolling devices.


Audio Output Test



Eject Removable Media





Serial/Infrared Ports

Serial/Infrared Baud Rate Test

Tests the components through which


Serial/Infrared Interrupt Test

peripherals that use the serial or infrared


Serial/Infrared Internal Trans-

port, such as communications devices,


mission Test

send and receive data.


Serial External Transmission Test





Parallel Ports

Parallel Internal Test

Tests the components through which


Parallel External Loopback Test

peripherals that use the parallel port,


Parallel External Interrupt Test

such as printers, send and receive data.


Parallel Printer Pattern Test






Software Reset Test

Tests the operation of the audio chip set.


Interrupt Test



DMA Test



FM Sound Playback Test

Tests the record and playback ability of


Analog Sound Playback Test

the internal microphone and speakers.


Record and Playback Test


NOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the Glossary in the online System User’s Guide .

Running the Dell Diagnostics


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Dell 3000 manual Dell Diagnostics Tests