before you call Dell for technical assistance. Find the Express Service Code icon in the Dell Accesso- ries folder.
When prompted by Dell’s automated telephone sys- tem, enter the express service code to route your call directly to the proper support personnel.
NOTE: Dell’s Express Service may not be available in all countries.
For instructions on using the technical support ser- vice, see “Technical Support Service” and “Before You Call” found later in this chapter.
Help Tools
Dell provides a number of tools to assist you. Table
Table 5-1. Help Tools
Subject or Task | Tool |
BIOS revisions
Frequently asked questions
Information about Dell, its products, and its service and support policies
Installation instructions
Interrupt maps
Ordering parts
Software update information
Technical notes on system compatibility and revisions
Technical training class information
Technical specifications
Unresolved problems requiring assistance from a Dell technician
TechConnect BBS
Dell Q&A, AutoTech service
TechFax service, TechConnect BBS, World Wide Web on the Internet
Online System User’s Guide, Reference and Troubleshoot- ing Guide, technical support service, AutoTech service
TechFax service
Technical support service, TechConnect BBS
TechFax service
TechFax service
TechFax service
TechFax service, online System User’s Guide , Reference and Troubleshooting Guide
Reference and Troubleshooting Guide, Dell Diagnostics program, AutoTech service
Technical support service, TechConnect BBS
NOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the Glossary in the online System User’s Guide .