printer adding
Windows 2000 or later, 26 advanced features, 10 available configurations, 10
changing or modifying the IP address using Embedded Web Server, 22
cleaning, 90 configurations, 10 configuring
from the desktop, 23 Windows 2000 or later, 27
connection, 10
control panel features, 12 creating an IPP printer
Windows 2000 or later, 28 damage, 95
enabling AutoIP, 20 enabling DHCP, 20
failure to repackage properly, 95 features, 10
fonts, 10
information resources, 14 maintenance, 87 management software, 23 maximum print speed, 10 maximum resolution (dpi), 10 moving, 95
obtaining the network path Windows 2000 or later, 27
physical specifications, 134 setting the IP address, 20 settings
copy from one printer to another, 23 specifications, 133
standard features, 10 trays, 10
verifying settings Windows 2000 or later, 29
printer driver available, 24 installing, 24
Macintosh OS X version 10.4 and higher, 32
operating systems, 24 other methods installation
Windows 2000 or later, 26 page description languages, 24 quick CD installation
Windows 2000 or later, 25 verifying installation
Windows 2000 or later, 29 Windows 2000 or later, 25
printer management software, 23 printer management tools, 23 printer option
copy from one printer to another, 23 printing
black and white, 77 booklets, 72
both sides of paper, 67 cover pages, 79 custom paper types, 61 custom size paper, 62 envelopes, 59 glossy paper, 60 information pages, 13 labels, 59
mirror images, 82
multiple pages to single sheet
personal jobs, 85 personal saved jobs, 85 proof print jobs, 85 saved print jobs, 85 secure print jobs, 84 separator pages, 78 special job types, 83 special media, 58
test pages
Windows 2000 or later, 27, 30 transparencies, 58 watermarks, 81