enabled by default on Dell printers, 20 enabling on the control panel, 20 enabling with Embedded Web Server, 20 manually setting the printer’s IP
address, 21
setting the printer’s IP address dynamically, 20
local domain name space database, 21 resolver protocol, 21
servers, 21 driver
other methods installation Windows 2000 or later, 26
quick CD installation Windows 2000 or later, 25
verifying installation Windows 2000 or later, 29
drivers available, 24 description, 24
Windows 2000 or later, 25
Dynamic Domain Name Service (DDNS), 21 dynamically setting the printer’s IP address, 20
electrical specifications, 136 Embedded Web Server
accessing online help, 23
changing or modifying the printer’s IP address, 22
checking supplies status, 23 copying settings from one printer to
another, 23
defining a network printer, 23 enabling DHCP, 20
printer management software, 23 setting the printer’s IP address
dynamically, 20
setting up web
enabling AutoIP on the printer, 20 enabling DHCP on the printer, 20 envelopes
printing, 59 environmental specifications, 135
Ethernet connection, 17 exterior cleaning, 90
printer configurations, 10
General Precautions, 88 getting help, 131
Online Diagnostics, 132 glossy paper
printing, 60 guidelines
moving the printer, 95
hard drive, 11 help
resources, 14
about your printer, 14 resources, 14
web links, 14 information pages, 13 Menu Map, 13
printing, 13 installing printer drivers
Mac OS X, version 10.4 and higher, 32 Windows 2000 or later, 25
IP address
changing or modifying using Embedded Web Server, 22
dynamically setting, 20
setting automatically (Windows only), 20 setting manually, 21
IPv6, 36
automatic address assignment, 38 enabling, 36
setting the Interface ID, 37
140Dell 7130cdn Professional Color Printer User Guide