w w w . d e l l . c o m s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m
NOTICE: Turn off your computer by performing a Windows shutdown (see page 42). Otherwise, you may lose data.
MI C R O P H O N E — Allows you to record audio.
VO L U M E CO N T R O L BU T T O N S — Increase or decrease the speaker volume with these buttons. Alternatively, you can increase speaker volume by pressing
and decrease speaker volume by pressing
You can enable or disable (mute) the integrated stereo speakers or external speakers
by pressing . When you mute music, the computer may take a moment to respond. Certain audio utilities installed on your computer also allow you to
control speaker volume. If no sound comes from the speakers, press and check the volume control buttons to make sure that the sound is not disabled.
Left Side View
network connector
fixed optical drive modem connector security cable slot