cannot operate both devices simultaneously.
ISP — Internet service provider — A company that allows you to access its host server to connect directly to the Internet, send and receive
Kb — kilobit — A unit of data that equals 1024 bits. A measurement of the capacity of memory integrated circuits.
KB — kilobyte — A unit of data that equals 1024 bytes but is often referred to as 1000 bytes.
key combination — A command requiring you to press multiple keys at the same time.
kHz — kilohertz — A measurement of frequency that equals 1000 Hz.
LAN — local area network — A computer network covering a small area. A LAN usually is confined to a building or a few nearby buildings. A LAN can be connected to another LAN over any distance through telephone lines and radio waves to form a wide area network (WAN).
LCD — liquid crystal display — The technology used by portable computer and flat- panel displays.
local bus — A data bus that provides a fast throughput for devices to the processor.
LPT — line print terminal — The designation for a parallel connection to a printer or other parallel device.
Mb — megabit — A measurement of memory chip capacity that equals 1024 Kb.
Mbps — megabits per second — One million bits per second. This measurement is typically used for transmission speeds for networks and modems.
MB — megabyte — A measurement of data storage that equals 1,048,576 bytes. 1 MB equals 1024 KB. When used to refer to hard drive storage, the term is often rounded to 1,000,000 bytes.