Country (City) | Department Name or Service Area, | Area Codes, |
International Access | Website and | Local Numbers, and |
Code Country Code |
| |
City Code |
Poland (Warsaw) | Website: support.euro.dell.com |
International Access |
| |
Code: 011 | pl_support_tech@dell.com |
Country Code: 48 | Customer Service Phone | 57 95 700 |
City Code: 22 | Customer Care | 57 95 999 |
| Sales | 57 95 999 |
| Customer Service Fax | 57 95 806 |
| Reception Desk Fax | 57 95 998 |
| Switchboard | 57 95 999 |
Portugal | Website: support.euro.dell.com |
International Access |
| |
Code: 00 | support.euro.dell.com/pt/en/email |
Country Code: 351 | dell/ |
| |
| Technical Support | 707200149 |
| Customer Care | 800 300 413 |
| Sales | 800 300 410 or |
| 800 300 411 or |
| 800 300 412 or |
| 21 422 07 10 |
| Fax | 21 424 01 12 |
Puerto Rico | General Support | |
St. Kitts and Nevis | General Support | |
| 4731 |
St. Lucia | General Support | |
St. Vincent and the | General Support | |
Grenadines |
| 4609 |