Country (City) | Department Name or Service Area, | Area Codes, |
International Access | Website and | Local Numbers, and |
Code Country Code |
| |
City Code |
Switzerland (Geneva)
International Access Code: 00
Country Code: 41
City Code: 22
Website: support.euro.dell.com |
| |
| |
and Corporate Customers: |
support.euro.dell.com/ch/fr/email |
dell/ |
Technical Support (Home and | 0844 811 411 |
Small Business) |
| Technical Support (Corporate) | 0844 822 844 |
| Customer Care (Home and Small | 0848 802 202 |
| Business) |
| Customer Care (Corporate) | 0848 821 721 |
| Fax | 022 799 01 90 |
| Switchboard | 022 799 01 01 |
Taiwan | Technical Support (portable and | toll- |
International Access | desktop computers) | free: 00801 86 1011 |
| |
Code: 002 | Technical Support (servers) | toll- |
Country Code: 886 |
| free: 0080 60 1256 |
| |
| Transaction Sales | toll- |
| free: 0080 651 228 |
| Corporate Sales | toll- |
| free: 0080 651 227 |
Thailand | Technical Support | |
International Access | Customer Service (Penang, | 604 633 4949 |
Code: 001 | Malaysia) |
Country Code: 66 | Sales | |
Trinidad/Tobago | General Support | |
Turks and Caicos | General Support | |
Islands |
| 3355 |