•Power — Check the battery or charge status. Set the amount of time that the device can remain idle before it turns off on the Advanced tab.
•Regional Settings — View and change the formatting for regional settings, such as currency, time, and date.
•Remove Programs — Remove programs from your device. For more information, see "Adding and Removing Programs" on page 75.
•Screen — Adjust the screen if your device is not responding accurately to taps, and select the screen orientation that you want to use.
•Switcher Bar — Adjust the settings of the Switcher Bar program launcher utility.
•System Information — View technical information about your device.
Connections Tab
•Beam — Receive infrared beams from other devices.
•Bluetooth — Turn the Bluetooth™ radio on and off, and create and edit bonded devices. By default, the Bluetooth radio is off.
•Connections — Add and configure modem or server connections.
•Dell WLAN Utility — Available only on devices with
•Network Cards — Configure your network adapter settings.
Adjusting Settings