Starting and Configuring the Dell™
PowerConnect™ 27XX
NOTE: Before proceeding, read the release notes for this product. The release notes can be downloaded from support.dell.com.
NOTE: It is recommended that the most recent revision of the user documentation is obtained from the Dell Support Website at support.dell.com.
Viewing Switch Operation
The Managed Mode LED indicates whether POST has passed successfully or failed. When POST completes successfully, the Managed Mode LED indicator is off if in Unmanaged Mode, and solid green if in Managed Mode. When a critical problem is detected, the POST process fails and the Managed Mode LED indicator turns solid amber (PowerConnect 2748). If the process fails in the PowerConnect 2708/2716/2724 switch the Managed Mode LED indicator turns solid red.
Initial Configuration
The switch is delivered from the factory in Unmanaged Mode. This section describes how to enter Managed Mode and configure the switch. If the user wishes to use the switch as an unmanaged switch, they can simply plug the switch in and start using it. No configuration is necessary.
The PowerConnect device provides you the flexibility of basic network connectivity without significant effort or advanced network connectivity with
The initial configuration of the device uses the following assumptions:
•The PowerConnect device was never configured before and it is in the same state as when received.
•The PowerConnect device booted successfully.